How Many Units Can I Fit On My Land?

How Many Units Can I Fit On My Land?

How Many Units Can I Fit On My Land?

There is no simple answer to how many units you can fit onto your land. The answer depends on a variety of factors, primarily the planning and zoning codes of the relevant local council.

When it comes to approving your development project, most local councils are less interested in how many dwellings you can fit onto your land. They’re more concerned about how well the development and design of the proposal adhere to the relevant standards and conforms to the context of the site.


a symmetrical multi-story brick building facade with three visible balconies stacked vertically

Site Analysis and Consultation

The most prominent requirements that need to be fulfilled relate to your local government’s planning scheme. There aren’t any standardised benchmarks for property densities because each site is treated as unique, with the nature of the design process producing different results.

A typical element in a development application is a site analysis plan prepared by a town planner to best identify the development opportunities and constraints of the site. The preparation of this plan will assist in determining the potential of the site, the suitability for development and how many units or lots are considered appropriate.

Ultimately, any proposals for more than one dwelling per property need to be discussed with a development consultant, town planner and surveyor. You’ll likely need a planning permit for such a proposal.


Relevant Factors

The following factors will be addressed during the planning phase to determine how many dwellings can fit on a block of land.

  • Location – Land close to an urban activity centre or village will generally allow for higher density. The opposite may be true of land further away from these areas.
  • Land size and shape – A larger block of land may accommodate more units or lots. Rectangular blocks also generally accommodate more units than irregular blocks. Width is also important when it comes to vehicle access and manoeuvrability. Slopes in the land can add restraints on the design and extent of excavation possible on the block.
  • Risk tolerance – The likelihood of your development proposal can vary depending on the relevant department’s feelings. While it may be possible to fit five units on your land, only four may be supported by council. You have the right to appeal to the Planning and Environment Court, but there are no guarantees such decisions will be overturned.
  • Size of units – One or two bedroom units may allow you to fit more on the land as opposed to three bedroom units.
  • Type of allotment – Corner sites generally allow for high densities as the block has more driveway and manoeuvrability space by having two street frontages.


Neighbourhood Character

It’s much easier to argue a case for higher densities in highly developed areas rather than an area dominated by single storey detached houses. Many local authorities set explicit limits on the height of buildings according to relevant neighbourhood plans.

For example, the Brisbane City Council allows buildings with multiple dwellings between eight and 15 storeys in high-density residential zones, approximately five storeys in medium density residential zones and up to 3 storeys in some low to medium density residential zones.

Local government planning schemes consider the economic, social and environmental needs and visions of the local community. They focus on land use, infrastructure, development and valuable features of the area. The closer your development plans align with that vision, the more likely it will be approved.


Experienced Development Consultants in Queensland

If you’re looking for a development consultant, town planner or an experienced and qualified surveyor in Queensland, get in touch with Arnold Development Consultants. With more than 50 years of experience in town planning and surveying, our consultants can help with multiple dwelling development projects all across Queensland. Contact us today.